Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Tuesday is the Valley Forge of the Second American Revolution.

Victory looks impossible, defeat looks inevitable. Our army is tired, ill equipped, out-manned, out-gunned, undertrained, underfunded, and generally in despair. This is a time of great uncertainty for us. There will be deserters, there will be nay-sayers, there will even be calls for Dr. Paul to give up.

An inspirational statement is the motto of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and comes from Virgil, "Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito!" or "Do not give in to evil, but proceed ever more boldly against it!"

We must NEVER give in! We must NEVER surrender! Defeat is not an option!

If you believe that 'they' are just going to give us our freedom back, or even let us keep the bits that we have, you are wrong! We must regroup, and go forward with a greater tenacity than we have ever known! We must be ever-vigilant, we must never allow the light of Liberty to be extinguished from this nation!

As General John Stark once wrote, "Live Free or Die; Death is not the worst of evils." When given those options, which do you choose?

The war is not over, it has just begun. There are many tough battles ahead, and we will need every one of us in order to win. Texas is March 4th, with 140 delegates at stake, and Pennsylvania (where the Continental Army regrouped at Valley Forge and emerged a force to be reckoned with) is the ONLY contest in April, with 74 delegates available. Most states with a caucus have not held their State Conventions yet, so their delegates are not even decided, contrary to what the media would lead you to believe at a glance! We are still in this!

Time is on our side, and as the other candidates continue to pick each other apart we will continue to bring in new supporters, more money, and storm the Republican National Convention in Saint Paul, Minnesota with so many Ron Paul Delegates they'll never know what hit them!

By Jeremiah Galli


MicroBalrog said...


This is an awesome article. A pity it didn't work out for the best, but we have all our time before us.

Would you mind linking to my blog from this one?

I have some relevant coments regarding the recent events.

Unknown said...

It seems that people are not willing to vote for Ron Paul if he is not perceived as able to win. Would it be helpful and workable to have a pledgebank type website where you could get everyone that would like to support him sign pledges saying “I will vote for Ron Paul for president regardless of where he is running if 20 million other people will pledge to do the same.” This could possibly circumvent the media blackout and republican party suppression. It is conceivable that this type of thing could operate as a continual political tool to force the politicians to listen to the will of the people. Also one could be done to unelect all encumbents.